1st April - 31st May | Dawn to dusk every day
Celebrating 75 years of opening to the public for charity under Scotland’s Gardens.
A special private garden to visit, early in the year with masses of colour and flowers from early April. Glenarn is positioned in a sheltered hollow, close to the Clyde with wonderful old rhododendrons from the time of the famous plant collectors as well as many new introductions and a breath-taking collection of magnolias. Explore the glen for dramatic views, the low and high-level paths let you see the flowers from below and above the huge plants. Small treasures such as erythroniums, primulas and meconopsis can be found in the Rock Garden together with dwarf rhododendrons, daphne and other shrubs.
There will be guided walks with the owner/gardeners during the Festival. See the website for details of these separate events.