1st April - 31st May | 10.00 - 6.00 pm every day
Mount Stuart is the largest of the Glorious gardens of Argyll and Bute. 300 years and acres of gardening history and plant collections.
Mount Stuart is an amazing tapestry of history and landscapes. From the early 18th century laying out to today, successive generations of the Crichton-Stuart family have left their horticultural mark. Early planted avenues, carpeted daffodil walks and large banks are planted with early hybrid and species Rhododendrons, many towering to champion sizes. The Rock Garden has a fine Asiatic collection of Magnolias, Rhododendrons and other rare shrubs and perennials. The Wee Garden’s a southern hemisphere delight - Eucryphias, Olearias and Telopeas - amongst many beautiful trees, shrubs and perennials. The Kitchen Garden has mouth-watering displays of fruit and vegetables. Beautiful mixed borders surround the Glass Pavilion housing an eclectic mix of tender plants from around the world. There’s over a mile of beautiful coast, rocky outcrops, sandy bays and delightful views across the Firth of Clyde to the Cumbraes and Ayrshire coast.