1st April - 31st May | dawn to dusk every day
One of the Glorious Gardens of Argyll and Bute, a private collection of plants from around the world, many of which are endangered or seldom seen in cultivation.
Linn Botanic Gardens is situated at Cove Bay on the west side of the Rosneath peninsula. The development of the present gardens dates from 1971. Features include a burn with waterfalls, formal and informal ponds, an open heath for New Zealand plants and a collection of insect catching plants. The centre of the gardens is dominated by a substantial cliff enabling fine views over much of the plantings. Among the more notable collections are ferns, bamboos, magnolias and rhododendrons. The centre of the gardens ids dominated by a substantial cliff enabling fine views over much of the plantings looking south to Arran and west to the hills of the Cowal peninsula. 8 champion trees have been recorded.
The garden is noted for its compact, precipitous, lush landscape benefitting from the temperate climate of the Firth of Clyde, and reputedly exhibits the greatest diversity of plants per acre in Scotland.